Saturday, February 27, 2010

Moment of Clarity

For almost all Alzheimer's patients there are a few times when they have a moment of clarity. For just a moment you can almost see them as the person that they used to be. Then the moment will pass and you'll see that unfocused gaze in their eyes. When you get a moment of clarity take advantage of it and tell them that you love them. But when they go back into their own world, still hold their hand and hug them and thank God for the blessings of those few moments.


  1. You are so right Sussie. I wish had those times with my mom... I miss her so much!

  2. Seems like these times tease us. Almost a "maybe it is fixed"... But, also a gift glimpse of the person we remember.

  3. True, and a moment of clarity isn't someone asking, their mom/aunt/grandmother, "Do you know who I am?" Sometimes a moment of clarity is a little sparkle in the eyes and a genuine smile.
